They told me to be happy

Today it’s the last day for installing our works and I finally finished the setup after a week hard work! Although I am extremely tired, I have many fun through the process and I’m so happy that 3 works are working really well. Making a book is spending more time I thought and the building the frame for the mirror is challenging because of the back of the iMac. But I have many fun through the process and learnt new installing skills such as how to stick a straight gaffer tape (and I apply it to Anfal’s space for helping to stick tape on the edge of the wall afterwards!)

“They told me to be happy” are the 3 video combinations with the duration of 23:33 recording the process of keep smiling in different places. Smile is always used to connect happiness and it is one of the social skills in our daily lives. However, it is one of the easiest emotions to be disguised. In daily lives, we always smile under different circumstances. What is the reason for us to hold the smile? Does it have something similar to our daily lives? Have you ever smile in some situation even you actually do not want to? Do I look happy enough?


Behind the smile

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