Buddha Buddha Buddha


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At first, I follow the style I drafted to draw the Smiling Buddha in the story and it is based on the look of Bedai. However, when I started to drew by ink or coloured pencil,  I feel strange as it doesn’t look like a sculpture inside a temple. lol Then, I researched again and I figure out the reason – most of the huge Bedai sculpture (i.e Smiling Buddha) places outdoor.  At the same, I look at more buddha sculptures and ancient masks to get inspiration and draft again.

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Although the setting of the story is based on reality, I don’t want people misunderstanding I am talking about the real Smiling Buddha and questioning its existence which is not the main point of the story. Therefore, I decide not to use the exact Bedai image as the Smiling Buddha in the story. And this is the new version and the first illustration for the story.
