The Happy Show

In mid-point review, coursemates suggest me to see different artworks. One of them is “The Happy Show” by Stefan Sagmeister. The exhibition consists different info-graphics showing the happiness levels in different topics of Sagmeister, for instance, marital satisfaction and what food makes people happy etc. Besides, there are some installations including interactive one in the show. The Happy Show offers the audience the experience of walking into Stefan Sagmeister’s mind which he attempts to increase his happiness via mediation, cognitive therapy, and mood-altering pharmaceuticals.

Although Stefan Sagmeister is a designer and typographer, his exhibition blur the boundaries of art and design. The info-graphics he exhibited are simple and full of aesthetics but shown a clear information and figure to the visitors. The interactive elements in the show (such as people can score how happy they are from 0 to 10 and viewers can draw their symbol of happiness and upload to the internet) are good as the audience and get involved and it can be another “information” for other audience. From his graphics, images and installation in the exhibition, the audience can know more about happiness and understand more about Stefan Sagmeister’s opinion towards happiness. It inspires me the possibility to analysis happiness which is abstract information in a concrete way and the topics he talked are interesting. I hope I can have the chance to watch “The Happy Show” in future and know more about it.Screen Shot 2018-04-23 at 7.23.12 PM

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